What is TOADI ? and everything you need to know!

Toadi: The AI Powered Lawn Mowing Robot – TechAcute

           You would possibly want to test out Toadi, specially if you need some help round the yard. a lawn robot powered by AI. The bots are mulching grass in Europe for a pair of years and can soon be launched within the u. s., says CEO Wesley Lorrez in Belgium.

The autonomous landscaping robot works by integrating a camera with AI to acknowledge and avoid objects ahead of it, like trees, animals and other people, in step with a post at StartupBeat. Lorrez compares the technology behind Toadi to the Tesla electric vehicle.                                                                                                                           

She detects and avoids objects while mowing around your yard without needing a perimeter cable! The intelligent lawn robot. 

“It's the world's first lawn robot that does not need a manual,” the CEO says. “Not only that, our Toadi doesn't have any button, no keypad, no nothing. Because you do not need it.”



Here are the prices of Toadi can see on kickstarter.com













On the primary day of installation, Toadi discovers what your yard sounds like and creates a map of it. because of this map, she will be able to navigate in a very smart & efficient way without the assistance of anyone or anything.

No matter how complex your yard is, Toadi will always find her way and mow every blade of grass she encounters. No perimeter cable or (inaccurate) GPS needed. She sees and knows her way around within the same way as humans do, but even better...









Reference:  forbes    kickstarter.com
